Saturday, May 2, 2009

Happy Belated May Day!

Yesterday was May Day (aka “International Workers Day”), but I was too busy working my ass off to celebrate the achievements of the labor movement.

Did you know that the U.S. version of Labor Day was created in 1887 and scheduled in September to disassociate it from the more radical, leftist versions traditionally held on the first of May? And that in 1958 President Eisenhower proclaimed May 1st as “Loyalty Day” and “Law Day?” Loyalty Day was launched in 1921 as “Americanization Day” with the intent of reaffirming national loyalty and recognizing “the heritage of American freedom.” Law Day is pretty much the same thing, with a little extra boosterism for the rule of law as the foundation for democratic freedom. Who knew? By the way, we don't torture.

In honor of the labor force (currently employed or not), here’s Merle Haggard singing his tribute to the working stiff:

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